
Hydro PTM PRO 750W

  • 92%以上の高い変換効率
  • 80 PLUS® Platinum認証
  • 最新のATX12 v2.52準拠
  • ECOセミファンレス機能搭載
  • 高温多湿な環境に対応する「Off-Wetテクノロジー」
  • 日本メーカー製105℃対応電解コンデンサを採用
  • サイドに貼替え可能なデザインステッカー付属
  • +12V シングルレーン設計
  • 静音性、耐久性の高い135mm 流体軸受けファン
  • 安心の各種保護回路搭載:OCP、OVP、SCP、OPP、OTP、UVP
  • 製品保証10年
  • 80plus_Platinum

Conformal Coating Application

Off-Wet, Off-Dust and Off-Stain

The Hydro PTM PRO series is covered with a conformal coating which protects it from dust, stains, and humidity. The Hydro PTM PRO conformal coating is guaranteed to offer better and reliable performance in harsh environments and is tested to work in environments up to 95% relative humidity.

LLC Half Bridge Topology with DC-DC Module Design

The HYDRO PTM Pro series adhears to an extremely tight voltage regulation that produces an output voltage under +/- 1% at any load change and offers superior efficiency and voltage stability.

Hydro PTM Pro internal structure
Hydro PTM Pro internal structure

Fully Modular Design for Quick and Easy Installation

The fully modular design simplifies installation and allows you to use only the cables you need for a cleaner and tidier build.

point label

ECO Switch, Quieter and Longer Lasting Fan

The Hydro PTM PRO series offers an Eco Switch that allows the PSU to operate quieter uses up less power consumption. When the power supply is equal to or less than 30% load, the power supply enters a silent state and the fan is turned off.

Hydro PTM Pro

The HYDRO PTM Pro series comes with FDB fan and an intelligent 0dBA function to reduce noise and has a longer lasting life span.

Hydro PTM Pro Noise table
Hydro PTM Pro Fan

80 Plus® Platinum Certification

The Hydro PTM Pro series come with 80 Plus Platinum Certification, which means the power supply produces less heat and has a lower operating cost. The power supply is guaranteed to operate at a minimum of 92% efficiency at 50% load of PSU rated power.

Efficiency 1200w
10-Year Warranty

10-Year Warranty

FSP is committed to manufacturing reliable high-quality power supplies. The Hydro PTM series is backed by our 10-year warranty.

Compliance with IEC 62368

FSP Group features the latest in green power technology and provides additional safety approvals to keep its power supplies ahead of regulation changes. FSP has upgraded the majority of its power supplies to the newer IEC 62368 standards.

Hydro PTM Pro
Intel CPU

Supports Latest CPU Systems

The Hydro PTM PRO series fully supports high performance systems, and complies with the most recent Intel, ATX12V v2.4 & EPS12V v2.92 standards.

Safety Protection

OVP (Over Voltage Protection), UVP (Under Voltage Protection), OCP  (Over Current Protection), OPP (Over Power Protection), SCP (Short Circuit Protection), and OTP (Over Temperature Protection), and full guardian circuit protections to keep your hardware safe.


 atx cable 24 pinEPS 4 4 pinpcie 6+2 pinhd statmolex2.5 floppy
ATX 20+44+4 PINPCI-E 6+2SATAMolex


AC Input100-240Vac~  10-5A  50-60Hz
DC Output+3.3V+5V+12V-12V+5Vsb
Max Output Current20A20A62.5A0.3A3A
Max Combined Power120W750W18.6W
Total Power750W

型番 HPT2-750M
定格出力 750W
フォームファクタ ATX
80 PLUS 認証 Platinum
入力電圧 100-240V
入力電流 10-5A
入力周波数 50-60Hz
PFC Active PFC
電力変換効率 ≥92% at typical load
冷却ファン FDB Fan, 135mm
サイズ (W x L x H) 150 x 170 x 86 mm